
An overview of built-in functions


The Min function returns the smallest numeric value in the data provided.


The Max function returns the largest numeric value in the data provided.


The ABS function returns the absolute value of a number.


The Round function rounds the number value up or down to an integer.


The rounddown() function rounds numbers down to the nearest integer.


The roundup() function rounds numbers up to the nearest integer.


The if function allows you to create a conditional calculation. It is similar to what is available in Excel/Google Sheets.

if(condition, value_if_true, value_if_false)


The if_month function returns 1 if the time period is equal to the month number input in the formula, else 0. E.g, you can input [1;12] into the formula.

  • if_month(1) will return 1 if the month is January, else 0

  • if_month(6) will return 1 if the month is June, else 0


The if_quarter_month function returns 1 if the time period is equal to the month number inside a given quarter. E.g., you can input [1;3] into the formula.

  • if_quarter_month(1) will return 1 if the month is January, April, July, or October, else 0.

  • if_quarter_month(2) will return 1 if the month is February, May, August, or November, else 0.

  • if_quarter_month(3) will return 1 if the month is March, June, September, or December, else 0.

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