Financial planning and analysis, typically including all practices related to budgeting, forecasting, and reporting across business units.
A workspace for your models and integrations. Users can only access organizations that they have explicitly been invited into.
The financial model that you build and develop over time to create annual budgets and rolling forecasts.
Connections to other business tools such as ERP, CRM and HR.
A version of your financial model at a given point in time. Note that an anchor budget is also considered a forecast that just happens to start at the beginning of the year.
Forecast Start
The transition date from actuals data to forecast data. Every forecast has a Forecast Start Date, and it is typically moved throughout the year to create new rolling forecasts.
Last Close
The month with the latest actuals data in your ERP tool, to be used in variance analysis. The Last Close can be later than the Forecast Start Date, e.g., if you have an anchor budget with a Forecast Start Date of January 2024 and have since closed January, February, and March, the Last Close would be March 2024.
Variance analysis
Comparing your company's actuals against budget, forecasts or actuals last year for a given time period.
Recorded real-world data that has occurred. Actuals are either used for variance analysis or re-forecasting purposes.
Variance analysis: Marked by the orange Last Close
Re-forecasting: Marked by the purple Last Forecast Date
Latest forecast
The live version of your model that you can edit.
Saved version
Locked versions that you have saved throughout the year. Once edits to your Latest Forecast are done, save it as an annual budget or rolling forecast and name it accordingly.
Models edits
Edits to hardcoded values, formulas, or the forecast start date, all three of which affect forecast values
Alternate model branches with edits leading to different outcomes.