
You can manually input actuals in case you need to import actuals from non-supported data sources or overwrite actuals imported from your accounting system.


Actuals overwrite

There are instances where the actuals imported from your accounting system may not perfectly represent your current financial situation. Overwriting actuals might be necessary when adjustments are required due to errors in the source data.

it’s recommended to address data issues at the source. Overwriting actuals is not a sustainable solution but can serve as a short-term option to mitigate bookkeeping errors or similar issues that may obstruct your modeling or reporting efforts.

Actuals from non-supported sources

Manual entries also accommodate data imports from unsupported data sources. Whether it’s importing data from non-supported accounting systems or inputting assumptions, manual entries allow you to input data from any sources relevant to your financial planning.

Manually entering large amounts of data is susceptible to input errors. For data imports not currently supported by our native integrations, we highly recommend using our Google Sheets integration.

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