
You’ll find your account details under Settings > Account > Profile, where you can also see how other team members view your information in Francis.

Currently, self-serve profile updates are not supported. If you need to change any personal details, please reach out to support@francis.app.


Profile picture

By default, your avatar shows the first and last initials of your account name. If you signed up with a Google email address that has a public profile picture, Francis will automatically use that image as your avatar.

Email address

Your email address in Francis is determined by the address you used when first creating your account. It serves as your unique ID for every organization you join or create. For example:

You created an organization “Acme” using jane.doe@email.comAn account was created under jane.doe@email.com, and a user was simultaneously created for the Acme organization.
You’re invited to join another organization “Alpha”A user for jane.doe@email.com is created in the Alpha organization.

If your company is changing domains and you’d like to change all emails in your organization, please reach out to us at support@francis.app from the existing domain and let us know the domain you would like to change to.


Your full name appears to other members whenever they interact with your account. If you need to update your name, email support@francis.app, and our team will assist you.

Leave your organization

To leave an organization where you have an active user profile, open Settings > Organization > Members, select the gear icon next to your name, and choose Remove from organization…. You’ll lose access to that workspace immediately, and an Owner or Admin would have to re-invite you if you need to return in the future.

If you’re the only member remaining in an organization, you won’t be able to leave. Instead, you’ll need to delete the organization by going to Settings > Organization > General and selecting Delete this organization. This action is irreversible.

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