
By connecting your Visma e-conomic instance to Francis, you can automatically import and consolidate your actuals. Once integrated, Francis makes your chart of accounts accessible via the Mappings view in your model. From there, you can map Visma e-conomic accounts to corresponding line items in your financial model for more accurate and consistent reporting.

Francis only imports booked transactions. Draft transactions are not currently supported.


To set up your Visma e-conomic integration, go to Settings > Integrations > Visma e-conomic. After enabling, a prompt will appear asking you to confirm the addition of Francis as an application to your Visma e-conomic account. Completing this authorization step ensures that Francis can securely access the necessary data.

Asset Range

If your Visma e-conomic chart of accounts does not match the default template, Francis will prompt you to confirm the asset account range. You’ll specify the start and end of this range by adjusting the asset_range_start and asset_range_end settings. This ensures that Francis accurately interprets your accounts during data import.

The default asset range for Visma e-conomic is 5000 to 5990. Even if your chart of accounts follows this default, Francis may still prompt you to confirm these settings.

Retained earnings

If your chart of accounts differs from Visma e-conomic’s default template, you’ll also be prompted to specify your retained earnings account. In most cases, the retained earnings account is 6130 Retained earnings last year.

Unsure which account is used for retained earnings? In Visma e-conomic, navigate to Regnskab > Systemkonti > Årsafslutning to verify your retained earnings configuration.


Francis automatically detects whether you use dimensions in Visma e-conomic. If you plan to incorporate dimensions into your planning process, you can select which dimension is most relevant. Once configured, this dimension will be available for splits and breakdowns within Francis, giving you deeper insight into your financial data.

Support for dimensions other than department (“Afdelinger”) is scheduled for release during H1 2025. If you have questions about this feature, feel free to reach out at support@francis.app.

Currency conversion

Visma e-conomic transactions can be automatically converted from their base currency into a target currency. You can use either market exchange rates or custom rates. To enable this feature, open the Currency Conversion section of your Visma e-conomic connection settings in Francis and toggle Enable currency conversion.


Francis applies several adjustments to ensure your imported data is presented in a way that aligns with best practices and supports consistent financial analysis.

Francis interprets your accounts based on a consistent convention:

  • Positive (+): Income (I), Asset (A), Liability (L), and Equity (EQ) accounts

  • Negative (-): Expense (EX) accounts

These adjustments create a uniform standard across all models and data sources, simplifying comparisons and ensuring your reports are easy to understand. As Francis relies on the configured asset range to determine each account’s classification, confirming your asset range settings is critical. Once correctly set, your accounts will reliably follow the positive/negative convention outlined above.