
The Members page, which can be found by going to Settings > Organization > Members, shows a list of current and invited team members. In this view, you can see each member’s role and check if they have a pending invitation. Owners and Admins can manage roles and invite new members.


To manage roles, navigate to the Members page and click the gear icon next to the member. Francis currently supports five different roles – Owners, Admins, Editors, Viewers and Limited Viewers – all of which have different permissions and levels of access.


The user who creates the organization is assigned the Owner role and holds the highest level of access. Owners can invite, remove, promote, or demote any member, and they also manage all features and models. Only the Owner can terminate the organization.

If you wish to transfer ownership of your organization please contact support@francis.app.


Admins share nearly all the same privileges as the Owner but cannot terminate the organization or modify the Owner’s role. They have full access to every feature and model, and they can invite, remove, promote, or demote any team member other than the Owner.


Editors have full access to all models and can collaborate on tasks like modeling, account mapping, forecasting, and consolidation. They do not, however, manage team members or have the ability to terminate the organization.


Viewers can see all models within the organization and may download reports and view transaction details. While they have complete visibility, they cannot make changes to models or manage team members.

Limited viewer

Limited viewers are only available on Enterprise plans.

Limited Viewers share nearly the same privileges as Viewers but have access restricted to the specific sheets or models granted to them. This is especially useful for department heads or location managers who need targeted insight without seeing the entirety of your financial model. For more information about Limited Viewers, refer to our dedicated documentation.

Remove members

To remove members from your organization:

  1. Go to Settings > Organization > Members

  2. Click the gear icon next to the member’s name

  3. Select Remove from organization…

Once removed, the member immediately loses access to the organization. Any work they contributed remains in place, but they must be re-invited if they need access again. It is not possible to view removed members after this process.

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