
An organization is the home for all modeling and reporting for your team. We highly recommend teams staying within a single organization as this is the conceptual model we use when designing the product.

The person who initially creates an organization is automatically assigned Owner of the organization. To transfer ownership to a separate user, contact support@francis.app.

Organization settings

Access organization settings by clicking the organization name in the upper left, select Settings and then navigate to Organization > General. From this page, organization Owners will be able to:

  • Update the organization name

  • Update the default brand color

  • Remove Francis branding from PDF reports

  • Delete the organization and all its content

  • Change plans and update billing information

  • Configure organization-specific integrations

Deleting your organization

Deleting an organization includes deleting user data and all content within the organization. Owners can delete an organization under Settings > Organization > General. Please note this action is not reversible.

Multiple organizations

You can create multiple organizations in Francis under a single account (e.g. tied to a specific email). This is very common for fractional CFOs, who usually manage multiple organizations under a single account, allowing for easy switching without the need for separate logins for each client.

To add an additional organization under an existing account:

  1. Click on your organization name in the top left corner

  2. Hover over Switch organization

  3. Select Create or join organization

  4. Enter the name of the organization you wish to create

If you have other organizations associated with your account, you’ll see a list of these organizations when hovering Switch organization from the drop-down menu.

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